Brights Hand-tied Bouquet


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Each and every design is one-of-a-kind, created by an artisan florist using the freshest stems available on the day so, whilst your gift will look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely.

Delivery Charges

Delivery is additional to prices shown.

Standard delivery €9.50

Click & collect also available

Fleming Florists cover the Naas, Newbridge, Punchestown, Sallins, Johnstown, Kill, Rathmore, Eadestown, Kilteel, Ardclough, Athgoe, Rathcoole, Newcastle, Saggart, Straffan, Rathcoffey, Clane, Prosperous, Donadea, Coill Dubh, Robertstown, Kilmeague, Donore, Carragh, Allen, Allenwood, Milltown, Newhall, Athgarvan, Curragh Camp, The Curragh, Kildare Town, Monasterevin, Narraghmore, Calverstown, Kilcullen, Two Mile House, Brannockstown, Dunlavin, Ballymore Eustace, Blessington, Hollywood, and Celbridge area with same day delivery Monday through Saturday.

Flowers are a living piece of nature and require some essential hygiene practices to improve their vase life.
We recommend the following generally, however, each species and their varieties often have individual requirements.

Flower Care Guide

Price: 70.00
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